Friday, June 17, 2016

17th - 25th June

1.  LS - Adaptation

2.  LS - Environment

Learning Point(s) for LS-Adaptation
1. Heat flows from a hotter to a colder region (must state from where to where)
2. Fur/feather traps air and air is bad/poor conductor of heat. There is no such thing as insulator of heat
3. Do not use adverb like 'easily'; instead use 'easier' because you are actually comparing between 1 scenario to another [Adaptation Qn]

Learning Point(s) for LS-Environment
1. On fair test, must state that more than one changed variable will affect the results of the experiment 

Friday, June 10, 2016

11th - 16th June

1. LS - Control Qn II

2. PS - Forces II

Learning Point(s) for LS-Control Qn II
i. A control set-up is to compare (the variable that is being tested) and confirm (that any changes is due to the tested or independent variable) 

In the above qn, the control is used to compare the height of the water in test tube so as to confirm that any changes in amount of bubbles produce/ rate of photosynthesis is due to the colour of light.

Friday, May 13, 2016

9th -14th May


LS - Food Chain and Food Web

LS - Photosynthesis


LS - Food Chain and Food Web


Learning Point
i. Decomposers break down dead matter into simpler substances like water, carbon dioxide and nutrients.

ii. Organisms that help in decomposition like millipede, woodlice, termites break up dead matter into smaller pieces.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 4







1. "heat can be prevented from being conducted" . 
Prevented means not at all.

2. There is no such thing as "insulator of heat". All matter conducts heat. Matter can be poor/bad conductor of heat but not insulator of heat.